In a groundbreaking venture, Screenshot, the revered game studio behind the highly acclaimed “Game of Blocks,” is embarking on a new mission – the development of a revolutionary non-fungible token (NFT) universe christened Everai. Armed with a top-notch team comprised of seasoned professionals from prominent companies like Riot Games, Supercell, Electronic Arts, Sorare, Starkware, and RTFKT, Everai pledges to offer a captivating and pioneering experience to gamers and NFT enthusiasts alike.
The Protagonist: Duo and NFTs:
Everai introduces players to its universe through the eyes of the protagonist, Duo. Following a devastating attack that resulted in the loss of his sibling, the character, a member of House Hansei, undergoes a transformation, receiving a cybernetic body. This change endows him with exceptional combat skills capable of adapting to any scenario. Duo’s narrative unfolds through limited edition NFTs, restricted to just 10,000 copies, launched randomly during the minting process commencing on March 26, 2022. To stay informed on all things Everai, interested individuals can track the project on Twitter and engage in discussions on their Discord channel.
Art Collaboration:
In an effort to elevate the visual appeal of Everai, the project is collaborating with renowned artists. Mehdi Aouichaoui, recognized for his work on iconic Japanese animated series, plays a key role in shaping the primary hero of the Everai universe. Quentin Pointillard, a concept artist and art director with credits on “The Incredible World of Gumball” and collaborations with Square Enix Montreal, contributes his unique artistic flair to the Everai landscape. These partnerships are just the beginning, as Screenshot is dedicated to nurturing close relationships with artists involved in the creation of Everai.
Future Endeavors:
Everai sets its sights on expanding beyond a singular medium, aiming to bring its universe to life through diverse artistic expressions, including music and graphics. Looking ahead, the studio is exploring new avenues such as animated television series and potentially feature films. Over the next decade, Screenshot envisions the development of multiple video games set within the Everai universe, with a focus on the “Play and Earn” element, providing players with unparalleled and distinctive gaming experiences.
Everai emerges as a bold and ambitious initiative that seamlessly combines the realms of NFTs, gaming, and artistry. Screenshot’s unwavering commitment to excellence, coupled with a stellar team and visionary collaborations, positions Everai as a project that demands attention. As the universe unfolds across diverse creative mediums, it beckons players and enthusiasts on a journey that transcends traditional gaming boundaries.
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